Jovan Cicmil's Blog

Freelance Writing vs Freelance Software Development

Freelance Writing vs Freelance Software Development
I’ve been a freelance web developer since 2011. In 2020, I started freelance writing on the side as well. I started unintentionally when a startup approached me to write for them, having been impressed with a piece I wrote here on Medium. Since then, I have found writing to be both a welcome change of pace from coding and a lucrative business. After two years, here’s how freelance ...

How I Reduced My Earnings by 14% With a Single Email

How I Reduced My Earnings by 14% With a Single Email
Tired of stories about how people got crazy returns from a single brilliant move? They’re everywhere these days. There were probably a couple on the page where you clicked on this article. Not to worry — I’ve got you covered. Here’s an (arguably more instructive) story about how I cheated myself out of thousands of dollars with a single wiseguy move. On being far-sighted… In ...

Don’t Write Simply. Write Honestly Instead.

Don’t Write Simply. Write Honestly Instead.
Is there a more common piece of writing advice on the internet than “keep it simple”? Reigning in your tendency to show off your vast vocabulary and poetic flair is supposed to widen your reach, make your writing more persuasive, and make you more approachable. I agree in spirit. Keeping it simple is better than keeping it complex, everything else being equal. The trouble is, in the ...

The Top Five Traits of a Successful Freelancer

The Top Five Traits of a Successful Freelancer
How do you imagine the freelance lifestyle? If you’re like most people, you think it’s a frantic life full of project-hopping, pitching, meeting deadlines, and oversleeping team meetings because you got drunk on a beach in Bali the previous night. The stereotypical freelancer is chaotic and makes up for his ...

A Guide to Creating and Capitalizing on Viral Tweets

A Guide to Creating and Capitalizing on Viral Tweets
On March 22, I wrote this tweet and it went viral. On the morning of March 23, I had over 1000 notifications. The tweet had over 10,000 likes and over a million people had seen it. I had some good fun with the responses, but I also profited in more concrete ways. Here’s what happens when your tweet ...

How To Find Creative and Meaningful Software Development Work

How To Find Creative and Meaningful Software Development Work
A lot is written about how to find cutting-edge work in software development. “Learn this tech over that tech.” “Take this bootcamp.” “Buy my ebook.” You know the drill. Even more is written about how to make a certain amount of money in tech. Apply to this company. Jump through hoops. Silicon Valley. Buy my other ebook. Not nearly enough is written about finding work that is ...

Five Lessons I Learned Bootstrapping a Fantasy Sports Company

Five Lessons I Learned Bootstrapping a Fantasy Sports Company
I was a bootstrapped founder before it was cool. Back in 2013, when it was all about building a startup and jumping through the funding loops, I bootstrapped a fantasy sports company. It was profitable from the first month. I ran it for a few years before finally selling to a larger competitor. Along the way, I learned a ton of important lessons. Here are the main ones. If you’re ...

How I Landed a $100k Freelance Client

How I Landed a $100k Freelance Client
Freelance success rarely comes easy. If it did, a lot more people would be writing blog posts like this one. I spent a lot of time in the trenches before I started getting quality freelance work. Starting in 2011, I spent about a year on doing mainly small Javascript/CSS projects. Then I switched to Upwork in September 2012 because the opportunities were much better there. ...

How To Find the Best Clients on Upwork in Three Steps

How To Find the Best Clients on Upwork in Three Steps
A lot of people complain about the quality of projects available on Upwork these days. Cheap clients , ridiculous requests, impossible projects — you name it, it’s there. Well, I’ve got some news for you. First of all, none of this is new. Upwork (and every other freelance platform, for that ...

My Trip Down the web3 Rabbit Hole: Separating Hype From Substance

My Trip Down the web3 Rabbit Hole: Separating Hype From Substance
If you’re anything like me, you hate hype and you despise pump-and-dump schemes. Suffice to say, watching kids sell pixelated monkey avatars to each other isn’t exactly the sort of thing I enjoy. At first glance, this is what the much-hyped web3 is: an unregulated marketplace rife for speculation and fraud. A breeding ground for Ponzi schemes and a graveyard for many get-rich-quick ...

How To Deal With Difficult Freelance Clients

How To Deal With Difficult Freelance Clients
Most of my clients over the last decade have been wonderful and easy to work with. I attribute this partly to luck and partly to my ever-growing standards. However, I’ve had my share of difficult clients, particularly in the first couple of years of my freelance career. Here are five types of freelance clients that are difficult to work with and how to handle each one. How to handle ...

Inside the War Between Domain Flippers and Startup Founders

Inside the War Between Domain Flippers and Startup Founders
No, not the real world. The digital world. I observed the latest battle personally so that I can report to you from the front lines. A well-known entrepreneur recently announced that he had bought a .com domain for his company. That’s not big news until you hear the rest: it took 6 years of negotiating and $100,000 to get that domain. His announcement prompted a war of words between his ...

Why MRR Is Misleading To Potential Investors

Why MRR Is Misleading To Potential Investors
MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) is an excellent metric for operators of subscription products. It’s an easy way to keep track of your company’s recurring revenue, especially if you offer several subscription packages. What it is not, however, is a measure of a company’s value. A concerning trend in the world of indie ...

5 Ways To Transform Your Freelance Work Into a Scalable Business

5 Ways To Transform Your Freelance Work Into a Scalable Business
One of the most common questions up-and-coming freelancers ask is: where can I take my career once I’m a successful freelancer ? In the corporate world, career-building is a predictable pursuit. Do great at your job, climb up the ladder, do great at that job, climb further up the ladder, and so on. For freelancers, it’s a ...

I Published the Same Course on Udemy, Skillshare, and Gumroad — What I Learned

I Published the Same Course on Udemy, Skillshare, and Gumroad — What I Learned
About a year ago, I decided to challenge myself to compress ten years of my professional experience into a 2-hour course. While I leave it to you to judge how well I’ve succeeded, I’ve learned a lot about the online course business and I can at the very least share that knowledge with my readers. Since first publishing the course, I’ve had ups and downs in traffic and conversion ...

How to Write Follow-up Messages That Generate Clients and Close Deals

How to Write Follow-up Messages That Generate Clients and Close Deals
Following up with prospective clients is tricky business. There’s a fine line between a confident, entrepreneurial message and a spammy ping notification that serves no purpose other than to irritate the person on the other end. During my decade of freelance experience, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to experiment with different approaches to communication. I’ve also had the ...

The Two-Step System for Getting a Better Deal From Marketing Agencies

The Two-Step System for Getting a Better Deal From Marketing Agencies
A digital marketing agency reached out to me a few days ago with an offer to promote my recently released book. The exchange didn’t go well, but it was highly instructive and I believe I’ve discovered a neat two-step approach to filter marketing offers. Their proposal was simple: for a flat fee of $2,000, they will promote my book to a number of top industry blogs and get me featured on a ...

Why You Should Hire Freelance Workers for Your Startup

Why You Should Hire Freelance Workers for Your Startup
Those of you who have been reading my work know that I’m a freelancer, entrepreneur, and writer. But did you know that I’ve also hired over 20 freelancers on various platforms over the course of the last decade? Hiring remote talent can be a daunting prospect. Many still shy away from it because a simple Google search can reveal a hundred hellish experiences suffered by other would-be ...

Why So Many Freelancers Fail To Achieve Independence

Why So Many Freelancers Fail To Achieve Independence
Many people go into freelancing with great expectations. They envision themselves sitting on a tropical beach, laptop and all, with an exotic cocktail in one hand and a coconut in the other, while an endless stream of money flows relentlessly into their bank account. Half of their laptop screen is devoted to the job, and the other half to an itinerary for their upcoming trip to Machu ...

Insights From Publishing My First Book

Insights From Publishing My First Book
After ten years of freelancing, I finally sat down to share my experience with the world. The idea of writing a book had been simmering in the back of my mind for at least a year, but it needed time to mature. The Unstoppable Freelancer is now available on Gumroad and <a href="" ...

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