Jovan Cicmil's Blog - Side Hustles

I Have Seven Income Streams: Here’s How They Compare

I Have Seven Income Streams: Here’s How They Compare
“The beauty of diversification is it's about as close as you can get to a free lunch in investing.” - Barry Ritholtz In most months, my freelancing income makes up most of my total income. Last month, it made up over 95% of my total income. If you only looked at that last month, you would think I’m wasting time and effort on all those other income streams. But when you zoom out, ...

How To Become Financially Independent as a Freelancer

How To Become Financially Independent as a Freelancer
Are you a financially independent freelancer? If yes, congrats! You’re in the top 1% of the world’s freelancers. If not, read on to find out how you can master your finances and build a sustainable freelancing business. The importance of financial independence for freelancers Did you know that ...

How To Use Downtime Between Projects as a Freelancer

How To Use Downtime Between Projects as a Freelancer
Freelancers dread dry spells. The moment a client project is finished, we feel a void that can only be filled by a new project. Every day not spent working on client projects feels unproductive. It makes us anxious and stressed. Does it really have to be this way? After a decade of freelancing, I’ve been through it all. I’ve been overworked, underworked, evenly worked, and oddly worked. ...

How To Avoid Burnout as a Freelancer: The 70-30 Rule

How To Avoid Burnout as a Freelancer: The 70-30 Rule
Have you ever pushed yourself so hard for so long that you woke up one morning and found yourself unable to work? If the answer is yes, you’ve experienced burnout - something that many live through, but far too few talk about. The consequences of burning out can be dire. To name a few horrifying ones: sleep disorders, aimlessness, depression, social isolation, and even diminished ...

Five Lessons I Learned Bootstrapping a Fantasy Sports Company

Five Lessons I Learned Bootstrapping a Fantasy Sports Company
I was a bootstrapped founder before it was cool. Back in 2013, when it was all about building a startup and jumping through the funding loops, I bootstrapped a fantasy sports company. It was profitable from the first month. I ran it for a few years before finally selling to a larger competitor. Along the way, I learned a ton of important lessons. Here are the main ones. If you’re ...

Inside the War Between Domain Flippers and Startup Founders

Inside the War Between Domain Flippers and Startup Founders
No, not the real world. The digital world. I observed the latest battle personally so that I can report to you from the front lines. A well-known entrepreneur recently announced that he had bought a .com domain for his company. That’s not big news until you hear the rest: it took 6 years of negotiating and $100,000 to get that domain. His announcement prompted a war of words between his ...

How I Used Outsourcing To Increase My Freelance Income

How I Used Outsourcing To Increase My Freelance Income
When you begin working as a freelancer, you can find yourself increasing your earnings steadily every month. However, growth inevitably slows down after some time and, eventually, earnings plateau. How can a freelancer keep increasing their earnings after they’ve filled up their entire schedule and raised their hourly rate as far as it will go? There are several possibilities, including ...

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