Jovan Cicmil's Blog - Entrepreneurship

The 4 Most Important Lessons I Learned Growing My Business in 2020

The 4 Most Important Lessons I Learned Growing My Business in 2020
This was an eventful year for the world, to say the least. For me, it was an echo of the immortal words of Charles Dickens: it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the year I started creating content in addition to my regular freelancing work. I wrote close to 40 articles and published my first course on Udemy. It was also the year of lockdowns, Covid-19, and frustrating ...

How I Negotiated the Sale of My Bootstrapped Business

How I Negotiated the Sale of My Bootstrapped Business
There are probably more articles out there about starting a business and running a business than you can read in a lifetime. But, what about selling a business? If your business is successful, you will eventually want to cash out. For major successes, this can take the form of going public by listing the business in the stock market. For minor ones, you will usually be acquired by a larger ...

How to Choose a 21st Century Career

How to Choose a 21st Century Career
How many times have you heard a sentence that started with the words “I wish I had…”? College graduates wish they had understood how the world works before they chose their majors (or, indeed, whether to attend university at all). Middle-aged men and women wish they had chosen this industry over that. Everybody has 20/20 hindsight, but peering into the future is a completely different ...

Applying Lessons From Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” to Your Business

Applying Lessons From Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” to Your Business
One doesn’t need to be a literary expert to understand one thing — if a literary work survives for millennia, there is value in it that is intrinsic and timeless. There are messages within that have found application to the lives of people across centuries and continents. Thus, such works must not be ignored by anyone seeking to educate themselves. The Art of War isn’t merely a ...

Price’s Law Is Going to Kill Your Company

Price’s Law Is Going to Kill Your Company
Have you noticed how, in every group, team or organization, a small number of people seem to be dragging everyone else forward? Whether you’re in a group chat organizing a trip or in an office building a startup, do you sometimes feel that a few people are pulling more than their fair share of the weight? Well, there’s a name for that. Physicist and historian of science Derek John de Solla ...

How I Built, Promoted, and Sold a Product with No Investments and No Marketing Budget

How I Built, Promoted, and Sold a Product with No Investments and No Marketing Budget
It doesn’t even involve a special kind of product, but it does entirely hinge on your relationship to the product. Eight years ago, I was a beginner programmer with little technical experience and no business acumen whatsoever. I had built no interactive websites, published no viral apps and written no recondite articles on software architecture. What I had was a desire to play fantasy football ...

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